Her CC can determine the outcome of a fight and to top it all off, she is really easy to learn and relatively easy to master. She is a powerful support and an excellent healer. Her skills cast an aura around her, buffing Sona's allies for a duration and buffing her basic attacks. Sona was, and mostly is, one of the most popular characters in the game for a while.

Her ultimate grants her and her allies a decaying move speed buff and her W gives her auto attacks the ability to jump from enemy to enemy. Her passives allows her to chase her enemies easily as she damages and her Q can deal a lot of damage on the early levels especially. Though this is the only complex point of Sivir as she focuses on dealing damage with mostly her basic attacks. She can cancel a single skill aiming at her with her shield and if she succeeds in this, she replenishes mana. Sivir is one of the harder champions to get used to as she has a unique mechanic.

He tanks quite hard and he can deal a considerable amount of damage too. Rammus is a sturdy character in the game. This list tells about 10 champions which are good choices for a beginner player and getting an idea of the game. Before you go on and enter the rift, it is a good idea to get a general idea about the characters in the game.

There are a lot of characters to play in League of Legends so it is natural to not know where to start.